4th Annual Nativity Exhibit and Christmas Music Celebration: "Come Unto Christ"

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Join us for this annual community celebration of the birth and ministry of the Lord, Jesus Christ. This three-day event features nativity exhibits from around the world, live music performances, and artwork depicting the life of our Savior. This wonderful celebration provides an opportunity for each of us to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and find "rest" during this busy holiday season.

December 6-8, 2007

Day Date Times
Thursday December 6 6-9 pm
Friday December 7 6-9 pm
Saturday December 8 1-9 pm

Free Admission - Open to the Public

We invite you to bring a non-perishable food item for the Western Wake Crisis Ministry.


590 Bryan Dr, Apex, NC - (off NC 55) [ Directions & Map ]

Events and Displays

  • Over 300 cr�ches from around the world
  • Musical performances by local school and church choirs and orchestras
  • Beautiful art gallery depicting the life and ministry of Jesus Christ
  • Community "Messiah" sing-along
  • Children's room with activities

Contact Us

If you want to participate with the music or volunteer in any way, please contact us at [email protected]

We welcome your involvement in helping make this year's event a wonderful celebration of the birth and ministry of Jesus Christ.


�Copyright Apex North Carolina Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, 2006.